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发布时间:2019-11-06 17:56    来源:好学通网校


  承受者 + be (is/am/are) + done(过去分词)+ by + 执行者。

  eg. Many schools are built(done)every year in the city.

  注意:地点状语,时间状语一般都放在句末;in the city 特指。


  A lot of修饰可数和不可数名词



  主动:They all read(原形)English every day.

  被动:English read (过去分词)by all of them every day.

  主动:Mother often scolds me.

  被动:I am often scolded by mother.


  承受者 + be (was/were) + done(过去分词)+ by + 执行者(不明确时可省略)。

  eg. 主动:He repaired his bike yesterday.

  被动:His bike was repaired by him yesterday.

  主动:Children cleaned many streets last Sunday.

  被动:Many streets were cleaned by children last Sunday.


  承受者 + be (is/am/are) + being(现在分词)+ done + by + 执行者(不明确时可省略)。

  eg. 主动:He is writing his composition.

  被动:His composition is being written by him.

  注意:write – wrote - written


  承受者 + be (was/were) + being(现在分词)+ done + by + 执行者(不明确时可省略)。

  eg. 主动:He was majoring computer during his college.

  被动:Computer was being majored by him during his college.


  承受者 + be going to/will (shall) be动词原形/be to be done + by + 执行者(不明确时可省略)。

  eg.1 A big supermarket will/shall/be to be built here next year

  注意:be to用以表示计划或安排好的动作或行为。

  eg.2 The flight is to leave for Hefei city.


  承受者 + have(复数主语)/has been done + by + 执行者(不明确时可省略)。

  eg. 主动:Our School has finished many scientific researches.

  被动:Many scientific researches have been finished by our school.


  承受者 + (be going to/will/shall/be to) + have been done + by + 执行者。

  eg. 主动:We'll have finished the book by the end of September.

  被动:The book will/shall have been finished by the end of September.

  注意:by the end of 短语的用法

  (1)Will have done by the end of + 将来时态

  (2)Had done by the end of + 过去完成时态

  eg. The project had been made by the end of last week.

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